Situated between Winton and Boulia, the township of Middleton, population is just two, is nestled in between amazing Mesa landscapes. Take your time to explore these ancient mountains of stone.

Goldstone Movie Shack
Middleton was also the scene of the movie “Goldstone” which was filmed back in 2013 and the set, an old shack placed in the middle of nowhere, was left behind as a reminder for those wishing to visit the old site just off the highway to Boulia.

Middleton Hotel Cobb & Co.
Of course you must stop at the Middleton Hotel, once one of nine changing stations on a Cobb & Co route and now the only one still standing.
While you are there, take a photo of one of Lester and Val Cain’s prized possessions – the Cobb & Co coach. Have a meal and a welcome cold drink. The hotel offers breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days. Book into a room at the hotel or if you’re a bit more self sufficient there’s an area where you can camp overnight for free. Just make a small donation for your shower. Any money raised goes to the Royal Flying Doctor’s Service.

Visitor Information
The Waltzing Matilda Centre Centre
Phone (within Australia) 07 4657 1466